       Located in Daejeon District, Seo-gu has an area of 95㎢ and a population of 477,880 with the financial revenue of 718.8 billion won in 2020. Seo-gu is an administrative town where government buildings, City Hall and law courts are concentrated, while central urban functions encompassing education, retail and distribution industry, medical services, business and culture are also gathered in the district.
2021Wenling•Seo-gu International Photographic Exhibition
两地友好交往 Friendly Exchanges
The two cities began the friendly exchanges in 2005 and signed a sister city agreement in December 2006. The relationship deepened with remarkable achievements on government delegations visits, officer exchange, teenage activity and economic cooperation in the past 15 years.
2020年04月 西区收到温岭捐赠的口罩 2020.04 Seo-gu received masks donated by Wenling
2020年02月 西区红十字会向温岭红十字会捐赠口罩 2020.02 Seo-gu donated masks to Wenling
2019年05月 温岭市代表团访问西区 2019.05 Wenling Delegation visited Seo-gu
2018年05月 温岭文化馆与西区文化院签订交流协议 2018.05 Culture Centers in Wenling and Seo-gu signed an agreement
2017年12月温岭小微企业代表团访问西区 2017.12 Small and Micro Enterprises Delegation visited Seo-gu
2016年08月 温岭青少年访问西区 2016.08 Wenling Teenager Delegation visited Seo-gu
西区疗愈艺术节 Seo-gu Healing Art Festival
The art festival founded in 2016 is the symbol of Seo-gu culture. Art delegations from sister cities were invited to participatein it and it has been the biggest annual celebration.
2019年05月 西区艺术节烟花秀 2019.05 Fireworks Show
2019年05月 西区艺术节现场 2019.05 Art Festival
2019年05月 西区艺术节泡泡秀 2019.05 Bubble Show
2019年05月 西区艺术节街头艺术表演 2019.05 Street Art
2019年05月 西区艺术节 2019.05 Art Festival
2018年05月 西区艺术节开幕式 2018.05 Opening Ceremony
西区十景 Scenic Spots
西区拥有九峰山与壮泰山、甲川与柳等川等风景名胜,是一个山清水秀的绿色城市。评价居民生活质量的44项指标中,城市煤气普及率、公园拥有率、国民生产总值等40项指标名列前茅 ,是一个适宜居住的城市。
There are some famous scenic spots such as Mt. Gubong, Mt. Jangtae, Gapcheon and Yudeungcheon. It is a very livable city with a green environment. Seo-gu is ranked high in 40 indicators among 44 leading life value indicators such as LNG supply rate.
壮泰山 Jangtae Mountain
钟琴塔 Carillon
月坪公园 Wolpyeong Park
屯之尾公园秋景 Dunjimi Park
水木园 Arboretum
史前遗迹的秋天 Prehistoric Site